
I thought of that immediately, they’re relying on Spaniard Spanish pronunciation

cho-REE-thoh (accurate) vs. chuh-REE-zoh (our bullshit).

Holy crap, I had trouble sharing a queen with a ex-SO and cat, and now have trouble sharing king with just SO, and both of us are pretty average size.

But be careful and check in advance of your flight -

My wife makes me yellow broccoli, which is broccoli mixed in with mac and cheese.

It’s still lazy to not mention it up front. No one’s asking the author to go hunt down other apps that do the same thing for other OS’s (I’m fine doing that), just to say “hey this is iOS only” before you waste your time.

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again, it would be really neato if you guys could prefix these “Hey look a neat app” articles with the platforms supported, [iOS/Android] or [iOS] or [Android].

I don’t think the movie is “clearly a parody.” It looks like it’s just using puppets, or Muppets, as their characters. It’s not like Spaceballs or where Dark Helmet is clearly a parody of Darth Vader. If the main character of this movie was a child-like red Muppet, then I’d agree. Just cause it’s using Muppet-style

Gotta disagree. It’s clearly leveraging the Muppets and Sesame Street in their marketing and the appearance of the puppets. It may be fair use, but it’s going to be messy to prove. They’re going to quietly drop the tagline and avoid the bad press.

Yeah, the right comparison isn’t a two bedroom suite (i.e., three rooms total) to two adjoining rooms. If comparing a three room set up with two bedrooms and a living room to a two room set up, of course the 2 room is cheaper. I have 2 kids and when we travel, we typically try to get a one bedroom suite (one bedroom

Here’s an idea. With all those new-fangled computers and whatnot how tough would it be to:

Feed chicken paprikash to the pet flamingo: Noted.

I was really excited to read this. But it’s a video. Chances of my getting to it at some point are low.

Do you find that to be inversely correlated with experience?

There was supposed to be a second part to the first post, but I fucked it up. Lol

I totally agree about gluten and all the "frees," but not MSG.


Morton's salt has other stuff added to make it pour better. And do supply iodine to those who never eat a bit of seafood—those goiters are ugly! But Kosher salt is pure salt & quite cheap.

MSG is a migraine trigger for some women. My neurologist worked on one of the studies, which showed that it caused periocranial muscle sensitivity.

I agree with article generally (especially the MSG stuff, praise Jesus), but "salt is salt" is overstating things a bit. My understanding is that there is basically no way you're going to detect a flavor difference between different kinds of salt, but the textural differences are (obviously) quite real. The crunchy