
I have curly hair—thin strands but coarse. I love these and have been wearing one today since I showered this a.m. (no blow dryer) .... I had had it wrapped pretty tightly; i just pulled it out and my hair is straight to the place where it was bound and then curly after that—but no ring from the stretchy band itself.

I have curly hair—thin strands but coarse. I love these and have been wearing one today since I showered this a.m.

13-year-old kids: they’re awesome when they don’t suck.

Yup! If I’d planned thus earlier, I’d have tweaked our school plan so the boys would have pre-assigned work about something related, but I only decided to strike yesterday when one son’s main activity for today was cancelled. However, he’s also 13 and the closest thing to an adult in the house while I’m off duty—he’s

I appreciate your post. Mistreated people of all ilk will strike despite significant personal costs. I face those costs but not so directly, so was trying to decide how silly it is for *me* to strike. Oh yeah ... it isn’t.

I did the same thing with my first child. I’m at a different stage now, but staying home with my baby (and then again w/the second one) was the *best*!

No video—watching violence offends my delicate but-not-just-because-I’m-a- womanly sensibilities.

Yikes! Accidentally recommended my own post. Is there an undo?

I’m a homeschooler. I explained to my boys I’ll be home but not doing anything for them or the house tomorrow. The young one is not impressed.

I’ll be hoping for a follow-up post!

I bought a bag of Italian ones last year, at Christmas, in the international candy section of World Market. I put them in the kids’ stockings and they hated them. More for me!

Most therapists in my area don’t take insurance anyway. :-(

My therapist specializes in women with anxiety issues. Business is booming.

I was telling my mom I had this crazy, I mean exact same, theory last week. I’m glad I have company under my tinfoil hat.

Well it could also be a sweet religious Southern thing, because none of my quips goes over better with little ol’ ladies than “What God gave me in hair he took away in height.”

In my home there is the Ceremonial Tasting of The Stale Gingerbread House, usually including the Act of Gamely Trying to Proclaim It’s Totally Edible, Mom, but always concluding with the Sadly Confessing it Tastes Like Dust. Then we smash it to bits just cuz’ it’s fun.

I just bought a full set of 5th edition books for my young teen son and was SO relieved the nudity and boobage had been toned down—for one, he has a much younger brother that nabs his books all the time; for another, he’s been talking up D&D for months with friends both older and younger and I don’t want to suddenly

Love it—it took my husband several conversations about the nature of religion with the minister at my Unitarian Universalist church before he decided to join—and when he did, it was a ceremony during the service and when our minister shook his hand and said, “Welcome to the cult!” (by then an inside joke between them)

I had not even heard of it! I ordered it, received it, and promptly flipped it open to a page with a section heading so perfectly on the nose about some specifics of *why* I have PTSD that I had to close it immediately. It’s on my nightstand now though ... I’m just working myself back up to starting it at the actual

More PTSD here; thought I’d second your comments. Interestingly I constantly use the wrong words for things, like I need a noun so I pull one out a random, like “soup” instead of “backpack.” It’s effin’ embarrasing, especially with my kids. But I do crossword puzzles and the other day when my son asked for famous cats
