
Naive…. if she wants to be in better movies, why doesn't she refuse scripts that exploit her physical charms. Could it be because she's in it for the fame and fortune and she doesn't really give a fuck about being respected as an artist?

Easily his weakest film.

Bitchy! I didn't think Season 2 was THAT bad.

Adam Sandler is like a one man virus, infecting everyone he comes into contact with…

Watching this film made me realise just how freaking brilliant Sergio Leone's best westerns - Once Upon a Time, TGTBTU - really were and how QT will NEVER be able to do anything nearly as good because the man is just so hopelessly enslaved to his influences and will forever be a fanboy first and a movie maker second.

Huge SM fan. I rate Bowfinger as one of the funniest movies ever made. Eddie Murphy is freaking brilliant in it. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is also superb. STILL haven't seen Planes and Trains, and I can't actually believe it myself…

This is a terrible list! No Cheers? No Scrubs? No King of Queens…? WTF!!