
Fun* historical factoid: Stalingrad was given the noncontroversial name Volgograd (after the river, Tsaritsyn was named after the Tsar respectively) in 1961 by the Soviet government as part of a multi-year nationwide “Destalinization” campaign removing many of the signs of his personality cult (geographic names,

clownrows, bro

And no black players in the league for many of the titles.

It’s almost as if the Yankees were the beneficiaries of there being fewer teams and no playoffs beyond the World Series.

I’m sure you have fond memories of that glorious 1923 season, buddy.

And no balls.

This fucking guy. I’ve always wondered how Yankee fans can count to 27, since they usually only have 20 fingers and toes.

Yet still so insecure.

The Yankees-Red Sox Rivalry: What it would be like if the Trump brothers hated each other.

Lololol Red Sox (and New England sports in general).

Remember that Salt Lake City cop who arrested the nurse for not allowing him to draw blood from an unconscious burn patient who was the victim of a driver fleeing a high speed police chase? You know, the unconscious burn patient they wanted blood from, hoping he had alcohol in his system before he sued the SLCPD? Yeah

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

This is progress. Usually Cleveland police protest browns by shooting them.

“So, just like Donald Trump”

Somewhere, Elway is neighing like a horse...

I don’t think you can really give Elway credit for trying to shoot himself in the dick but only hitting his foot.

Right, exactly. Who can forget that South Bend was once a part of Ireland, and that we slaughtered the Irish who’d lived there since before recorded history? And that we forced the few survivors to live on reservations while we grew rich off the fat of their land?

Jesus effing Christ guys. Just ditch the logo. It’s about as culturally sensitive as an Al Jolson song, and you look like massive assholes for using it.