
/cries myself to sleep

Also...please Oh Great Arbiter of Celebrations, what is an appropriate celebration for one’s 6th pick-6? Just trying to calibrate my “appropriate” meter. I wouldn’t want to have too much fun while I watch my entertainment...

I get that there are people who don’t tease their friends about stuff...but to pretend like that joke has NO POSSIBLE context in which it is funny is absurd.

It was not funny here. Duh.

But if you think there is not a single instance in the entire world in which someone could make a legitimately funny joke about “do you

I’ve got a good joke guys....
something something GAY!

Ha. Get it? His name is gay, and gay means homosexual. I can’t believe no one thought of this yet!

Not everyone can take the hallowed game of football, given to us directly from the gods, and bestowed upon the most favored nation in the world, as seriously as you do. We are not that gifted and holy.

Be careful not to hurt yourself yankin’ it to JJ Watt.

The celebration? Meh.
What IS ridiculous is grown men pearl clutching about a touchdown celebration using the cliches actual athletes and coaches in interviews.

You’re not being interviewed.
No one cares about your opinion (thus the gray font).
They play a game. (which you obviously take too seriously.)

Poe’s Law. It happens sometimes.