
dude or lady dude, the DIFFERENT SPECIES that eventually became one we know today interbred, and through out history there has been evidence of at very least bisexuality as natural in the human condition. the fact that you consider these things part of a jewish plot is a demonstration of how messed up you are in the

some people, rather than enjoying any old piece of excrement stuffed down their throat, have complex opinions. the above were mine and they apposed your everything is great view.

you obviously have no f*cking idea what you are talking about…
64 bit main stream has been a thing since 2003-4, asking a company selling games to embrace tech thats 10 years old is not a leap. Spoiler alert almost no windows/mac desktop/laptop cpus sold today are non 64bit… i understand and stated the sims is not made

just because EA implemented open world poorly it doesn't mean it was the wrong path. Going backwards 5 years later when 64bit computers with 8 gigs of ram are common shows just how lazy and money hungry they are. The reasons they took those shortcuts in TS3 was memory usage. 1)the sims has never been targeted at