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    Preaching to the choir! That's the term I was looking for.


    I figured. (See new edit in OP)

    I have no idea what they had planned, but they must have had a reason to think having Brown would add something to the discussion that a quick monologue or interview with a Domestic Abuse charity would not have (Getting into the mind and rationale of an abuser firsthand perhaps?). Otherwise they wouldn't have

    Thinking it all the way through, it kinda was. (See new Edit in OP.)

    Fair enough. I was a little quick to judgment; I've had a bad day and it's made me a bit cranky. I do have have an issue with the state of the show, as mentioned above, but in this particular case this doesn't necessarily pertain to that.

    Sorry, should have put '*just* telling [them]'. It was a little unclear; I mean that I think that he (or at least his writers) has generally failed to bring much real, unique insight to the table so far, though I've missed a few shows here and there so I could be missing something. From what I've seen he just

    That's a presidential candidate, though, Republican or no. I'm thinking of genuinely controversial figures whom could be utilized to provoke intelligent discussion, not politicians who come on spouting policies and talking points.

    To be clear, I lean left myself. I don't even disagree with the views he promotes. I just think the new show is too blatantly pandering to the point of being useless and even counter-productive.

    Oh for fuck's sake, now we can't even have controversial guests to discuss a controversial topic on a show about addressing controversial topics? Something like this is just what Noah could use to prove he deserves his position, to actually do something meaningful instead of telling his far-left neoprogressive