
I have to tell you, everything from Prom to having babies has gotten totally out of hand. You can't just do something now, there has to be all this celebration around the event, and it frankly wears me totally out. Pictures, parties, cuteness, blergh.

Ah, but that's just the point: you can bet on the Oscars — often for quite meaningful amounts. Sweeping the five main categories will return 15-1+ in the Euro markets most years.

How was Selma nominated for Best Picture but not Best Director, Cinematography, Screenplay?

This is garbage.

As many of you know, I have been searching for a media story to throw myself behind as a Truther. All the good Truther theories have already been taken (9/11 truthers, Obama birth, Stevie Wonder isn't really blind, Cats aren't really stealing dog beds, etc). It's been a long process, filled with extensive research and

on our show, it's called a Goddess Cup.

Exactly. You wanna make fun of evil North Korean generals? Be my guest. But why should this be one of the few roles Asians have?

I saw someone on Twitter say something to this effect. Basically, this joke would feel like less of a trope if there were actually more Asian representation at the golden globes and in hollywood in general.

Absolutely incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing it. What an amazing journey.

So, why didn't she wear this to the show?

I love it. The cheese stands alone.

I does feel like gas when you first start to feel the kicks, but holy shit, it became unmistakable around month 7, for me at least. My daughter kicked past my lung into my heart and I was sure I died for a second. It was horrible.

My favorite I didn't know I was pregnant was a skinny Irish lady in a rock band who gained about 5 lbs during the pregnancy that her bandmates attributed to chips and beer. She had always had irregular periods, and spotted occasionally during the pregnancy, so that combined with the lack of weight gain ... she had no

I always want to say this to men who spout lines like "North American women have nothing to complain about... we're equal now!".

This is a football school. They all lie about degrees.

My dad, while not a bad person at heart, can be kind of a dick and we butted heads big time in high school as he tried to control my life and I tried to be my own person. Per his insistence I headed off to his alma mater for high school even though I was going through some pretty severe emotional problems. I skated by

This is not a story about the best time I quit, but instead, the best time I was fired: