
LOL I'm a dolt! I am literally LOLing. Hahahaha! Hahahaha this is my big laugh for the day. LOLOL!

You are the only one in this discussion trying to say what marriage is or isn't supposed to be. You are clinging to this idea (rooted in a deep ignorance of human history) that monogamy is somehow an essential part of marriage, and that marriage is invalidated or is "not really marriage" without it.

Also, are you actually saying that the students you teach don't respond well to the way they are being challenged and confronted and it's lead to mental health issues and suicide attempts? Jesus Christ, that is not their problem.

You assumed an awful lot based on my very short post. If you must know, I'm sure the reason why it came across that way is because my mother was the primary parent. My father was chronically absent and plus has been dead for awhile. When he put his hands on me it for sure sucked and I would never say it's ideal

Such vitriol! Some kids peak later in life. Some kids simply aren't built to succeed in a school setting. And WAY too many kids are told that succeeding in school = succeeding in the "real world" when it's just not the case for everyone.

"How it works" is different for every couple. Not everyone shares your limited worldview. do realize that many people who get married do not commit to monogamy, right?

Hey asshole, my father was the one who laid out the physical discipline, so I know both sides of it. Obviously everyone who was abused has their own story, that is mine.

I live for Shade Court.

Just be a good parent. School grades are so temporary and not an indicator of success for everyone. She is much better served by a loving parent than a taskmaster. Don't worry about it!

I would rather have been hit than have been subject to the barrage of passive aggressive emotional manipulation that was my mother's parenting.

You're going to get a lot of blowback on here but I empathize with you. After hour 8 or 9 or 10 of taking care of a kid nonstop any person is bound to want to lose it. There have been times with my baby when he is just SCREAMING I've thought, "damn, I understand why infants get shaken baby syndrome." I realize it's

I wish we could have been friends and shared preschool age existential crises.

The guy is definitely a total disassociative asshole for not seeing how this issue that he has experienced firsthand does not apply to the rest of the women in this country.

I literally read this article and thought, "Damn, if I didn't smoke marijuana, I'd be one of those women."

Yeah I'm sure you see the gamut of the human condition with celebrities. And I'm sure they run into a lot of shitty interviewers that make them fed up.

Ooo, please with the details!

Holy shit. Yes those kicks can get BAD.


Nice. Thanks for sharing!