
Love it!!!

Yes!! He sounds excellent on the Boy from Oz. That was before he was really, really famous, too. And googling to post this comment reminded me that he won the Tony for that role. (also realizing I made a mistake in my earlier comment - Hugh Jackman's Oklahoma! was in London...can't believe I messed that up)

I thought Hugh Jackman's singing in Les Miserables was the WORST I have ever heard him sing. I was like, hot DAMN he sounds terrible.

One thing I have not seen anyone mention about this adaptation: IT IS ALLLLL WHITE. Not a single person of color in the ENTIRE cast. Does this not stand out to anyone??! Especially considering the entire narrative surrounding other big musical adaptation of the season - Annie - is about racial diversity in casting.

Next time it could be a child that dog has by the neck. Make the complaint and take him to small claims court (depending on your area there are sometimes local resource centers that will help with mediation before you spend the time/money on small claims).

Ooo, I hope so! I bet she could still get in them, too!

From your last sentence, it seems like you didn't completely understand my comment. Sure, I can use women for anyone over 18. But if I'm talking about the collective experience of anyone, regardless of age, who identifies as not-male, not genderfluid, but you know, FEMALE, then there is not really another term to use.

That link just sent me down a late 90s/early 00s Britney YouTube hole! Ohhh, the Toxic bodysuits.

For an additional perspective...I use the term "females" when I want to use a term that encompasses both women (age 18+) and girls (minors), cisgendered or not. I haven't found any other word that means this!

Thank you! That means a lot! *Fist of solidarity right back!*

LOL - welcome to the internet! ;-)

Cloud Atlas was BAD - they gave their white actors narrow eyes to play the Asian scenes!

The Avatar: The Last Airbender film was a big one too. The heroes are supposed to be Inuit and they cast white folks for those roles (and cast a POC as the villain).

Good list here:…

My language was too broad; I should have said it makes many other white people uncomfortable and not insinuated that being uncomfortable is the universal response for all white people when diversity issues are approached.

Fair point. I should have said, it makes many other white people uncomfortable - my choice of language was too broad.

Yes, this. As a white person in the entertainment industry who is EXTREMELY invested in having better space and opportunities for POC and WOC specifically, it makes other white people verrrrrry uncomfortable when I talk about diversity issues.

It's like they think - why do you care, those aren't "your people...?"

I care

Yes, all covering this song at their B-grade gigs. ;)

Wow, I have the EXACT same friend (well, frenemy)!

A quibble: you used the phrase, "bottom of the totem pole." Would you not say that is a problematic phrase?

This is an incredible interview! You obviously did your homework. A great read; well done. A+++!