
Whhhaaaat? Totally disagree. Cash is great for a bridal or baby shower! About to have a baby myself and I just got a nice $100 bill today as a gift. Am I sad? Hello no, I'm stoked!! That person is getting a nice thank you card!

My first thought on seeing this pic of Gaga: AFP!!!

Women with extremely high levels of trauma go back to the situation in which they were abused...all the time. Do you doubt that?

Lots of marijuana.


I work at a retail store that caters to children. You would not BELIEVE what some people let their kids do in our store.

This is clearly someone I should get to know.

Yeah, I thought it might be that! I was obligated to pay for a meal plan my first year of college, too. I don't have allergies, but the way my schedule was set up meant that all the dining halls were closed by the time I was out of class and ready to eat dinner. I had to pay out of pocket to get takeout for dinner all

You should talk to the dining staff - 5 weeks is too long! And you have paid for this meal plan.

I was in a terrible car accident a few years ago. I was swollen and bruised all over; my face was especially bad and I had stitches in my eyebrow (still have a scar). My husband was so nice to me when we went out to get medicine and stuff, and I was so obviously relieved to have his support, that I honestly don't

My S.O. has a serious (and rare) food allergy - we know it's up to us to make sure he doesn't eat it. Yes, it's always good to tell the wait staff, but on more than one occasion he's been served a dish he's allergic to even after mentioning his allergy. People are stupid/just trying their best; either way you can't

I grew up after the era of the Cosby Show. Everything I've been reading lately about Clair Huxtable makes me think I need to get Season 1 and start binge-watching the entire thing, like House of Cards only a LOT more viewing hours.

10 weeks to go for me...but I can't look away!!

Also...Viola Davis is fucking GORGEOUS!!! WTF NYT?

Thank you so much for this article. Black voices like yours are why I read Jezebel.

I hope she applies for unemployment; I think she would have a great case for getting those benefits.

Yes Doublekross. He was the only doctor available that day at the clinic, just a general physician. He did stick his fingers up...tentatively. As I remember, he sort of poked around and said he couldn't really tell what it was. I even asked, "Is it a foreign object?" because I had a feeling it was the cup. Noooope, he

Not a hoax. This happened to me. Mine was left in for...I think it was 8-10 weeks. Worst time of my life. I got a horrific fever, I thought I was gonna die. I went into the doctor early on, but the stupid man who looked up my pussy thought it was a cyst, went and got an ultrasound...this all took forever...all the

Not a hoax. This happened to me. Mine was left in for...I think it was 8-10 weeks. Worst time of my life. I got a horrific fever, I thought I was gonna die. I went into the doctor early on, but the stupid man who looked up my pussy thought it was a cyst, went and got an ultrasound...this all took forever...all the