Dr. BonBon MoonPie

Came here to say this. You win the star of the day. Thank you.

I understood that this was supposed to be a war movie. That’s the EXACT reason why I’ve been extremely excited for this movie. A WAR Star Wars movie!? HOLYSHIT HELL YES!!! I’m hoping it stays that way. If it turns more softcore super Disney, honestly, I’ll just not be interested. But, who care’s about one person’s

DOOM!!!!!!! I’m now saving up for a new pair of 1080's just to replay the game in glory gory awesome! I’m currently running dual Ati HD7900 Blacks. Yeah.... That old....

Thank you so much for the laugh this morning. I laughed way too hard at this. Way too hard.

AT&T did exactly this with the iPhone 6 launch. I waited 2 months after pre-ordering it with no ship date insight. Walked into my local Apple store and bought the phone I was waiting on. Fuck pre-orders. It’s all horseshit now days and means nothing. Not for tech. Not for games. Maybe cars. Yeah. Maybe cars. But

That blooper reel looked more like a “How to Train” for Amtrak. Maybe someone should look into thier source documentation.

I for one am 100% surprised that the cop’s first instinct wasn’t to just shoot at the biker, through all the other bikers, and at the people behind the biker. I’m legit surprised at that. Wait, it probably WAS his first instinct, but he was able to think his way through that. Or he just didn’t want to get doughnut

That’s exactly what I was going to post. It’s economics. Do they have the cure NOW? No. Are they looking? Not really in my opinion. Why would they? Oh hey, let’s solve cancer and end our money stream. Think of it like this, a car maker making an automobile that ends your need to ever need to buy another. After a

Personally, I would like him (or someone) to explain what he means by “That’s the problem with Forgestars!” Is this a common occurrence for the brand? At their price, if it were, you’d think they wouldn’t exactly be doing so well off....

There are quite a few regualtions that stop GREAT headlights from getting here. BMW has to nerf their led headlights due to regualtions. They also have to turn off the incredible highbeam assit shit that they have now, because of federal laws from decades ago. Hopefully this report will help the manufactures get some

Well, before we get excited, we need to make it illegal to have monopolies for service providers. Then. And only then, will we see speeds in excess of 10gbps. I do look forward to it though.

Ok! Sign me up! I’ll take a state room, I require a shower, and a destination in the bahammas for a day or two. Make the flight 5 days there and 5 days back. All the drink I could want. Yep. That’s a vacation I want! Or!! Something up over Alaska. Oeee! That would be nice! Maybe a trip to the north pole!? Welcome to

This game is starting to look incredibly badass. I may have to buy it based purly on the amount of work they’ve out into it. They’ve also released behind the scenes stuff before that was awesome.

They did this on Iron Man 2 if I remember correctly. Has the whole sequence rendered, and mocaped the camera. They’ve been using this a lot lately. Really incredible stuff.

I see a 20k track day toy that you can just hammer on in someones future!!

Far less damage. My friend has a 2015 Mustang GT. He hit a Volkswagon CC main battle tank at about 5 miles an hour (camera footage to prove it). It did over $8,500 worth of damage to the Mustang. I want one so bad, but pedestrian safety is just making them fall apart.

Yep! Sign me up! So long as it doesn’t cause too terrible of side affects. I’ll deal with yellow toenails to ensure I don’t have swimmers, but if this caused impotence, that would be a deal killer.

I bought a 2007 BMW 335i E92 Coupe. When I bought it, the salesman explained that it had been in a MINOR fender bender, that the rear bumper had to be replaced. Even showed me the damned CarFax (still in it’s infancy) where it showed Repair on file, rear end collision. No big deal. The car looks OUTSTANDING. Whoever