Robert Drebin

I bet the repair shops are going to be so sad that they’ll no longer be able to charge people to clean out the charging port anymore... Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a phone with a Type-C port clogged with dust/lent when I was repairing phones.

Commander troller trolls again! Ah to be that wealthy to where nothing fazes you. lol

I felt that Mr. House questline was the more future focused of humanity vs the other groups.

This would help political groups from abusing this new tool, but this will not stop the public from both sides of the spectrum from abusing it though. 

I just hoping they’ll allow some of us to import our brains into the machine database. lol, I’ll gladly give away my flesh prison for tech transcendence. 

I am just waiting for the day something comes out about him being a horrible person too. lol

I always thought it was odd for entertainment industry to give out rewards for people doing what they were paid to do. lol

Cowabunga! Why on earth do they sound still like children then!?! The 15 year old I can understand, but the others? When I first heard then I could have sworn they were 11 or 12 year olds, but I digress.

I guess we better all learn how to code as a despot once said. 

Oof.... Very hard pass! Hopefully some fans do a redub with some actual teenagers vs pre-teens. 

Well... What’s obvious is that the currently highest paid actor didn’t donate to this cause until it became a public outcry... He and others could have easily made the donation anonymous, but instead use this opportunity to further their careers and the way the public eye see them.

I thought the same thing, but I remember how much salt water is an oxidizer which would probably require specialized pipes and other equipment to make safe for the cooling of these machines.

Sounds like a solid time to buy some Disney stocks and other entertainment groups while this strike is going, because they all should bounce back once it’s over.

I never said the article was AI generated.... I ask if people at Lifehacker would be using these newly available tools to enhance their works?

At this point... that should be the new definition of humanity. A bunch of upright animals that are complete pieces of shit. lol

Well the gif was working when I posted it, but it’s a scene from Parks and Rec of Ken Hotate saying, Why, Yes I— I thought that was obvious.

Umm, what did she expect to happen? To be treated like saint or savior? You attacked a fandom of yeehaws lol


I wonder... Did they use fresh water or gray water? But I digress, they can use all the water they want if it means my Google Assistant AI gets better!

So are you using AI to help you with these or are you doing it the old fashioned way?