Let’s just end tipping and force a livable wage LOLZ
Let’s just end tipping and force a livable wage LOLZ
Well one is a generic zombie show, which get views no matter what because people love some zombies and the other is a fantastic adaptation of a beloved franchise that catered to all the fans of the series.
Being part a huge discord server for north Georgia where some of the hardcores we’re dropping on average 100$ per week on remote raids have now announced that they won’t be raiding remote anymore with some of them even selling their old accounts for good money!
Gears, MFS, State of Decay, Psychonauts 2, Forza, Fable, Etc
All this hate-worshipping keeps him doing this kind of stuff! lolz
Lolz, Sounds like they need to step up their game when it comes to first party games and not to rely on COD to produce sells! Especially when there’s market for the first party games on PC.
Lolz, Sounds like they need to step up their game when it comes to first party games and not to rely on COD to produce sells! Especially when there’s market for the first party games on PC.
And this coming from a website that hate-worships the man. lol
You mean you guys don’t feel the wind whenever playing games? Wild! I have been feeling it since my Atari days in form of open windows or ceiling fans. lol
Yea! Don’t buy another generic zombie game!
Meh, it’s just another generic zombie game another walking dead show.
Undead humans being controlled by a pathogen, so yeah zombies
Wow! They’re innovating rubbish now! How groundbreaking!
I say! Give me the wiener prints/bulges along with the up skirts.
(mis)quoting Pablo Picasso who said “Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal” — who in turn might be rephrasing Igor Stravinsky, but both sayings may well originate in T. S. Eliot’s dictum: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better,…
Just like the advent of photoshop... you can either adapt or get left behind, but as with human nature we don’t like forced to change with times.
So I’m a little confused about this series... How is it any different from the AMC’s The Walking Dead or other Zombies series? I mean it a series about a pathogen causing people to become undead right?