
He didn’t have enough body fat on him to begin with to lead to stretch marks and loose skin. He lost 20 pounds, not 150, which would easily lead to those issues. That comes from gaining mass amounts of weight which does damage to the skin, not from the losing weight part.

“Man loses 20 pounds eating only egg whites, almonds, greek yogurt, chicken, rice, and beans” is a pretty lame headline.

True, but it’s easier to eat a healthy and balanced diet at Chipotle than at other fast-ish food restaurants. Their meats are mostly pretty low fat and high quality, they have lots of vegetable options, and beans are filling and not that high calorie.

You came here looking for a “kiddie diddler”?

This is stupid. He didn’t lose weight because he ate Chipolte. He lost weight because he ate healthier (compared to eating 2 Domino’s pizzas) limited his portions, and worked out. It’s pretty simple math, burn more calories than you consume = weight loss. You could replace Chipotle with any other food and have the

No one beats the ridiculously encyclopedic collective knowledge of Jalopnik! You should get Comment of the Week for this and the fabricator of this car should have some kind of YouTube tribute. The quality of the assembly and the design he achieved from a huge mish-mash of parts is amazing. With a few tweaks, would be

I know a guy that knows what it is. Would you believe it started life as a 1969 Corvette? A one-off custom build.

I wonder if there will be a huge spike in births in 9 months like during blackouts of major cities?

I LOVED this movie and adored this scene. I’m glad Spielberg can still do these kinds of movies. I have high hopes for Indiana Jones 5 given George Lucas now has nothing to do with it. Fame != Power. Just because he is famous and rich does not create a power imbalance. What consequences would she have faced if she decided to tell him to fuck off? None whatsoever. A power imbalance is created when 1 person has power over your life/livelihood/etc and the fear of serious repercussions that

It didn’t come across as victim blaming. I agree with the OP. This doesn’t come across as a power imbalance. What does he have over her? Her paycheck? Her reputation? The article never describes those nuances, so it’s really hard to say. I do agree that there isn’t a power imbalance. As another poster put it, “fans

What this dude did was wrong. Full Stop.

Actually, Jack IS in the sequence, but you never see his face - it’s only one shot, low to the ground, so you only see his jeans and axe. Sad you don’t see his face but at the same time I’m not a fan of digitally recreating actors!

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

Or just eat the miss, go around, find the road back to the freeway, and hit the right exit using the to-city road.

Are you serious? They are on the highway and those trucks have speed limiters.

The proper response when you’re in the way outside lane and are going to miss your exit on the freeway is this: Foot off gas, foot over brake, spew about 15 dozen profanities while foot hovers over brake and you pass exit without speed really decreasing, mash foot onto gas and accelerate like an insane person,

Always a good reminder that the exit you need is the only exit in existence to get to the place you are going. It is the only way both in and out for the people past that point. So if you miss your exit, all is lost, you can never go back or around you must find a new destination, give up the people and or places you

It should be in this country too.

In China, this is grounds for summary execution. As it should be.