Humanah Humanah

Seriously??? I mean, no “Ice, Ice Baby”??????? It was right there!!!!

The V2 would have to go to England.

Texas Man is like the Special Forces version of Florida Man. You don’t see him nearly as often, but when he shows up, the destruction is far greater.


Is that a still from the new Wonder Woman movie and her invisible Jeep ?

She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

They’re within the margin of error. Because spacecar.

That is the Maurice Minnifield car from Northern Exposure?

You’re a towel.

Yup, find something steadfast and immovable.

Me... I’d punch the clutch, yank the door handle, and fall out on the ground.

Vith ze utmost precision.

I applaud McChizzle for not allowing someone to be wrong on the internet.

He has an accomplice

Baby Driver sucked.

the other chair did not put its keys in the fishbowl

It looks better in green if I’m honest.

Dirt everyday did a comparison between an original jeep and a modern side-by side ATV... I think that might be what you’re looking for. Yeah things used to be simple, but they also used to suck.

Why, any man with a screwdriver could adjust a carburetor... and any man pretty much had to because carburetors suck. Any

Here is a vehicle that will make 5000 horsepower all day long. Sadly it is “track only”.