
@HandsomeHorse: Hi Sean! I've been sober for over a year now. Stay strong!

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Indeed. Generally though, the high price of buying two medium-tier cards is not worth it. Better buying the high-end (but not flagship) card instead. Performance gains vary per game, but usually are around 160%.

@mintycrys is on an UBER STREAK!: Not be callous, but just because he's autistic doesn't mean he didn't cheat. Maybe he did! If he didn't the MS is being a bunch of jerks, but I'd think they'd have some pretty good criteria in place to determine if someone is cheating.

@registeraccount21: Agreed, you can almost always find a good deal on a game. My mantra: "Never pay retail". You don't have to if you know where to look.

@bugspray: Totally agree. While this story does have a relation to gaming, it can be very distressing to read about these kind of events. Filter?

What would a new console gen bring to the table? I don't need better graphics or more motion controls. The PS3 has become the only entertainment device connected to my television. Give me a PS3 with more RAM and I'd be happy. No new consoles needed.

@Superfly_CJ: There are already quite a few really high quality mods out for FNV. Check out New Vegas bounties, for one. A lot of the modelling work that has been done is also vastly superior to what is natively in the game. Check out the fallout nexus for some great innovation and added fun/value.

@hazelnut1112: It was the 40 hit combo that took me forever.

Good racing! I love playing the underdog in GT5. What isn't fun though, is how much B-spec sucks. Even with a 150hp advantage, my drivers fail.

@danieltolin: It really isn't. The real problem is that PCs are difficult to develop for. Consoles are nearly identical hardware, very easy to optimize and troubleshoot. PCs on the other hand, you have thousands of possible chipset/graphics/cpu combinations. Drives developers nuts and increases production costs.

@Prosthetics: Read somewhere after BBC2 launched that the PC version sold better than Xbox and PS3 combined. It was a pretty big surprise, but may have been due to it being on sale for $20 a couple weeks after release (due to some E3 discount).

@LucasReis: Agreed. These other two seem to think that gaming actually means something. Gaming is a hobby, a pastime driven by an industry mostly bent on making money off of young males. It is not a great cause to devote your life to. Those "achievements" you get? They don't count for anything. No one cares.

Hell, the HDMI cable in that bundle has got to be worth $300 alone!

@crazypills77: The UI is a lot better now than when I first used it. Still a steep learning curve, no doubt, but now slightly easier.

@LordMaim: A little sad and a little happy that I know what this is.

@tatermoog: Even the new PacMan DX was only $10, and it's providing all the score cramming I can handle right now.

@-MasterDex-: Here's my suspicion: Part of why PD took so long with GT5 is that they're trying to do just as you said, move the assets over to GT6, make them good enough for the PS4 and avoid having a 5 year dev time for the next console. I wouldn't be too surprised if GT6 is a launch or near-launch title for PS4.

@PeterLorre: Combine that with the fact that she's communicating with a man for two months without her father's knowledge and you can easily get the idea that this guy wasn't doing the best job as a dad.

@alexjg42: I agree, the game is great. License tests are insane to get gold on. It's gorgeous (except the wavy shadows) and there are tons of stuff to do. I'm definitely enjoying it.

@PossibleCabbage: Wait for the Steam Thanksgiving or Christmas sales, at least. 2:1 it'll be less than $35.