Human Almighty

Weird, it seems like that beam of light hesitates for a moment before bouncing off of a mirror.

If he wants drones, let him use it. As long as he won't use it for hunting for free porn and nude pics.

Blame Canada!

It looks alien...

How would you put music on your iPod without syncing it with your computer (no, my wasn't PC back then and it's not now)??? iPod Classic don't have any wifi connectivity so you couldn't "download" music to it.

Uh-oh! Mass Effect Bond???

once every two-three months.

In London without lights, people would still see shit, no stars. Air pollution is also an important factor.

bullshit. I bought many songs, not on iTunes, (some artists sell them on their own websites) and then I exported them to iTunes and synced my iPod Classic and they are all there. On my iPod, which seats in my car and plays those songs since 2007 or 2008... nothing was deleted. And no, I don't want new iPhone for

Will it play Halo MCC??? Nooo??? Awww...

and millions followed him, start to finish.

Well, I don't know... Adolf H., was once freedom fighter too... it didn't end well. You know, Germans...

Jamie, tell me your TCP, you h4ck3r.

See, they did their homework right. They learned how to trick other people to do their job.

You don't ask Jesus such stuff. It's just inappropriate...

Pizza delivery for I.C. Wiener...???

It sucks, because those girls had to actually work together, as a team to sell them friggin cookies. It was a lesson for them, very valuable lesson of cooperation, compassion, rage control and self-defense. Idea of scouting is not to make profit, but teach kids "things", teach them being smart, not just

you made my day :) thanks!

Jamie had too many pints last night :)