changing the resolution isnt the same as checking either. the fact he blamed resolution for lag means he thinks he lost due to lag caused by resolution, which means he blames the resolution.
changing the resolution isnt the same as checking either. the fact he blamed resolution for lag means he thinks he lost due to lag caused by resolution, which means he blames the resolution.
i wouldn’t be and neither would any independent person. both my parents are racist, especially my mother, not me. they are a far cry from this dude tho.
if my father would be a person like him, id be joining the line.
its just annoying reading comments from various sites where morons say that usa is not a democracy, but a republic. i am glad you arent one of them.
best country in the world, land of the free, pinnacle of democracy, ‘murica
you yourself just said they were both white, what are you talking about. when talking about 3 races- caucasoids, negroids and mongoloids- then they both were caucasoids aka whites.
standards should be the same cause of the eu regulations.
that cgi wasnt that bad imo.
i watched all the 4 alien movies when i was 6. if there is nothing wrong with him he will be fine.
original hon was the hardest, thats why players who have switched are at the top at dota 2 too. for example: notail.
HoN in its early years still the best in the genre imo, sad it never took off like lol and dota 2.
thats why metric is the best. you dont have a problem when u cant use the primary and converting is extremely simple.
mgsv was rushed to the market uncompleted. and that decision wasnt made by kojima,
valhalla rising.
blue states like michigan wouldnt have voted trump cause sanders was against trade agreements too, and millions of young would have come out to vote for sanders. turnout among millennials was 18%.
not north european, but arabs and turks are both white too, so they still are white. it indecent to change historical figures race just cause you like them in a different colour.
there are none cause my country doesnt have american pill for eveything culture and powerful painkillers arent handed out like candy. people know the risks and will rather suffer than to take a painkiller every time they have pain. ofc there are those whose pain is too much, but the number of those dont cause a…
Addiction isn’t a lifestyle you choose.
dont know what rant you mean, but weren’t saint nicolas(greek) and jesus(jew) white?