Yessir. I type 124+ WPM and the Apple Keyboard can get me upwards of 132 WPM.....
Yessir. I type 124+ WPM and the Apple Keyboard can get me upwards of 132 WPM.....
OMG THIS!! I am using my DAS for gaming. This DAS expensive blue switch keyboard is just too heavy now. The Apple Keyboard is reigning supreme for me. It’s so comfy and easy and the tactile feedback is insanely delicious.
Yes Shelly. You’re exactly correct as well. My blue switches are insanely loud when my typing gets going fast. They almost distract me, and I can type extremely fast, upwards of 124+ WPM. The Apple keys though, are insanely touch-sensitive and they have an amazingly quiet but distinct click that is almost SOOTHING.…
I can’t say enough that the design is meant to keep you hovering over the keys so that repetitive injuries don’t happen as much. I find that the pressure to strike the key is a breeze and the tactile feedback coupled with the click of the keys is top notch. I have typed on a ton of keyboards, including blue switches,…
I have a DAS keyboard that’s top of the line, and I much prefer the feel of a standard Apple Keyboard like they one they pictured above. Though the bigger version of course. To each their own I suppose. I find the Apple is 10x better, and takes half the energy to type on. The clacking of my DAS blue switches have wore…
I use a DAS keyboard. I type over 124 WPM accurately. I can type nearly 130 WPM accurately with an Apple Keyboard as pictured above. If you research some, the ergonomics of the keyboard force you to hover over it to give you less of a chance for stress injuries. The light compression, but satisfying tiny click of them…