
Thank YOU. I really hate everything about this article. I mean, does it qualify as an “article?” It reads more like a lot of texts pounded out on her iPhone 6 to her bestie as her blood pressure goes through the roof of the cab bringing her to some shitty yuppie bar with no decimal points on their tapas menu. Maybe

“Of course he would have thought women are hysterical, what a jerk”

God, this is just the pettiest, most bullshit fucking entitled post I’ve ever seen. Jane Marie, you are an awful, whiny, petulant, entitled person. Get fucked.

Not to blow up a comment section, but I can’t stress enough that I find it disgusting that you played the misogyny card over what you felt was poor customer service. Feminism is for helping the oppressed, not for whiny middle-class college-educated white women to abuse when they don’t get what they want at a store. If

You don’t seem to understand where the artists are coming from and I find this whole article to be in incredibly poor taste, especially the bratty insults directed at someone who simply told you “no.”


So many things I want to say...

-I love how it’s wrong for him to not do what you told him to do.
-I love how you got the tattoo elsewhere, the same day, and you still needed to write this takedown piece.
-I love how people told you many tattoo artists don’t do necks and you still fumed.
-I love this (fragment of a)

Nope, totally with Dan on this one. Took me a long time to find someone to tattoo my hands. If you want a neck tattoo so bad, Jane, instead of smearing artists who say no, just go to a parlor where gang members go. They’ll hook you up, no problem.

Female artist here. Don’t tattoo faces, necks, hands or genitals as standard. My choice. If anyone wants to bitch they can go elsewhere because guess what, artists are not machines and are allowed to have some agency over who and what they tattoo. Just as I don’t need to tattoo a swastika and white power slogans on

Not to mention that the work that she included is on the bodies of other people who didn’t ask to be dragged into this and publicly mocked.

Yeah, as a heavily tattooed woman I agree. I’ve had most artists make recommendations about placement and style to me. In fact, I’ve had sort of the anti-Dan experience (with a guy who also refuses to do hand and neck tattoos on people who aren’t already covered in tats, btw—it’s seriously a common policy) where my

Man, how do all these people in the comments not know about Gucci Mane?!

The entitlement POURS off the page.

I respect that artist who refused. For whatever reason.

Exactly. No necks and hands is a super common rule among artists, and many of them do it for personal reasons (ie. regret, whatever) and for protecting the shop (it opens up a certain amount of liability if someone claims down the line they can’t get a job because of a tattoo you did).

I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the

The logic he employed is common in the tattoo world. I have had tattoo artists strongly persuade me to get one tattoo over another, placed here instead of there. I listened. Had I not, I would have kept shopping. You threw a fit and as far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with you being a woman. You’re attempt to