Gawker's $115M Hulk Judgment

Obviously you’ve never read Baxter...

Oh, please. If they hadn’t referred to her ethnicity, this same site would be screaming about how her blackness was overlooked. Seriously, come on...

A gay superhero named Ray? We’ve already got one of those, thank you. He’s bionic and everything.

Real Talk: I find that io9 has become a much more bitter site over the past year. Maybe its the lack of open channel, maybe its the lack of recaps, maybe its the shift in who works there, maybe its the Gizmodo partnership, but this site has become a lot more bitter.

Then maybe liberals should shut the fuck up with “the science is settled” since 1. it’s obviously not and 2. science is never “settled”.

It was teetering. The pacing left me worrying that the accolades of season 1 had gone to Esmail’s head, and that the snails pace of season 2 was the result of that. You do gotta keep in mind the season is already at about the 40% mark, and only now are things feeling like they’re starting to get moving. There was more

I think The Fountainhead illustrates her point much better than Atlas Shrugged. The characters in the former are much more interesting too.

The biggest fact taught in Atlas Shrugged is that the rich and powerful already do control the country and manipulate the law for their own gain all while selling it as the “public good.” In other words, leftists have already brought to pass the corporate dystopia they thought to avoid not despite the regulatory state

Man, it’s too bad Leto likes the wrong books, and will never amount to anything...

I mean it’s not like Rand wrote a book literally titled “The Virtue of Selfishness” in which basically condemns altruism. Oh wait, she did. Nice to see you’ve deluded yourself into believing your sociopathic ideas are beneficial to society and not just cause harm to our society. How does it feel to be a part of the


Yeah they really made it their official “political” stance.

I want to know how many people who rage against Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand in general have actually read Atlas Shrugged or anything by Ayn Rand.

Suicide Squad release in less than a week so the anti-nearly anything DC articles are coming.

Yeah, it is hilarious how many people here love to trash a book they probably never read, and if they did, they certainly never thought about. They didn’t need to, because their university professor told them it was garbage, and that’s good enough for them.

Oh I get it you’re just worthless.

Well we all know you’re just a sociopath given you’re fantastical hatred of the Kinjaverse for insane reasons.

Dude get over that fucking video and actually say something of worth.

I’m not a fan of the book, but I’m really less a fan of this kind of ridiculous psychological fascism. “Leto reads about dudes and reads a book I disagree with. Lets all point at him.” Grow up, author.