Gawker's $115M Hulk Judgment

I would like to see Warcraft 2 tell the story of Thrall and Arthas, and maybe have Warcraft 3 tell the story of Thrall traveling to Kalimdor and meeting the Tauren and the other races and establishing the Horde.


Cool anecdata, bro.

I'm so sorry. I do my best to never picture Hillary.

I had Julia Louise Dreyfus in mind for the President.

Would you feel comfortable if a judge hearing your case was a member of the KKK Bar Association? Don’t worry, it is unaffiliated with, and separate from that other KKK organization.

I don’t disagree with you, but this is a weird request to make of someone on the internet.

It plays briefly during the credits end-sequence.

It plays briefly during the credits end-sequence.

Actually “Go Ninja Go Ninja Go” is in the credits sequence.

It was a lot better than the first one.

I went to see it this evening, and I thought it was great. As a child of the 80's and 90's who grew up watching those cartoons, it had everything I wanted to see in a TMNT film.


How would weapon training taken by an adult prevent a child from picking up a gun? It wouldn’t, and this is the flaw in your stupid argument. The training is just an obstacle you want to throw up to make buying a gun more difficult, that has no connection to the harn you want to prevent.

LOL! You have a warped view of history. SCOTUS disagrees with you, by the way. No person has a right to vote in a federal election- the 15th/19th Amendments only require that the state not discriminate in the way it allows people to vote.

I’m all for training. But it should be voluntary, not a hurdle thrown up by opponents of gun rights as a way to make buying a weapon more difficult and expensive. Guns aren't particularly complex, and you don't need to take a course to learn how to safely handle one.

Scholarship and litigation on these issues ramped up in the seventies because before that, gun control didn’t seriously exist. It wasn’t until people like you tried to legislate away the right to bear arms that anyone needed to focus on this issue. As for the history of the right to bear arms, SCOTUS has a much more

Lol #gunrage

Not similar. You don't have a fundamental civil right to vote.

If you yell “fire!” in a theater, it is a crime and you can be prosecuted for it. But the solution isn’t to prevent anyone from going to theaters because they might yell “fire!” or banning the word “fire.”