
I assume this is just a subtle dig at Linda McMahon’s failed Senate campaign.

No, people do it for fun.

Why post this article when you know its premise undercuts your website’s purpose?

People buy and sell houses all the time for recreation.“Oh, this will be a fun little side thing we can do— hey, we lost all our money because we don’t know what the fuck we are doing!”

Do I have to be a swinger to buy one of these or is it available for normal people?

Do I have to be a swinger to buy one of these or is it available for normal people?

It sometimes rolls under the couch or falls between the cushions. Happens more often than you’d fucking think.

Jesus, yet another person wrongly explaining things that have an obvious correct way.

I’m sorry, how is the hero anyone but the person who managed to get “HARDLAND” past committee after committee, and meeting after meeting just changing the subject abruptly when anyone questioned if the slogan could be easily mocked. They managed to get an NFL team to called themselves HARDLAND. Seems like the actions

People I know who work at Planned Parenthood have told me anecdotes about anti-choice protesters who have gone into the clinic, gotten a procedure, and promptly showed up for the next monthly protest. “They need it, others don’t” is the justification.

At what point does a stupid compromise like, “QBs do not count against your cap” become less stupid? 

Nah, Roadrunner is fine. If he talked, he’d be insufferable, like Tweety.

He’ll never top the Phillies’ All-Time greatest Remember Some Guys: Robert Person

I mean, do you really want the LOLMETS tag to die a slow death? LOLDODGERS just doesn’t have the same ring to it, so it was fine that they chose to step in there.

I feel very anachronistic that I actually bought The Good Place season 2 on DVD, glad that I won’t have to wait an entire extra month for it on Netflix though.

I often forget Omikron was an actual Let’s Play and not just the Best of compilation; the full length Let’s Play of that just seems unwatchable.

Literally any David Cage game by them is a blast, though I still maintain their NBA2k16 Livin’ Da Dream is the finest Let’s Play ever made.

Brian “Fucking Moron” Kilmeade was 7 when Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood started on PBS. What generation is he talking about? I mean, I’d generalize and say his own, but that’s being reductive to the actually decent people his age to group them in with a fuckwit like him.

I’d say you’d have a point if he was a pick-up artist, but he’s just a football coach wearing a visor, so it’s just dumb and he never lives up to his name.

“I’m mad my dogshit team played like dogshit and this guy who’s really good at passing isn’t as amazing at everything else as he is at passing.”

If you are plopped into the middle of the ocean you’ll tread water for a little while and then die. Spoiler alert: If you are plopped into the middle of Nebraska, you will do no different.