
Peak fucking deadpsin.
that “irredeemable dingus” has more basketball knowledge in his dusty ejaculate than Laura Naismith here.
And it would appear La La left because her husband liked to run up raw in random bitches and knocked one up.
Stay me7o ya fuzzy slit.

do your push-ups, say your prayers and eat your vitamins kids. Otherwise you too might end up a 120 pound communist and have to beg other people to join your causes because you can’t hack it on your own.

you ungrateful fucking commies. he could have pitched tent and ledft the city to rot. You think people are entitled to work just because they live in a city? how about compete for the labor. Without him the wings and tigers would have bolted just like the pistons did. you know how many jobs this guy created? no.

Tom Ley, this is an awful long way to say “I’ve never played team sports.”

id sign up for this.
solid pitch he a white guy?

support from the state?! it has 80,000 students. tuition is nearly 20k on average. DO THAT MATH

condi rice speaking is abhorrent...but snooki? worth 20k

fucking kill yourself

gray all day bitch. you can’t fucks with my steez

You’re right... Marshall Newhouse could NEVER sustain a block for that long!!

thank god for all you white liberals. without your help and guidance, these poor, sullen minorities would never be able to fend for themselves. It is truly noble how, time and again, you take up the battle on their behalf. Not only fighting the good fight in their stead—because as your actions prove, they are not

oh no!! liberals had to deal with a non-liberal dick sucking session for all of 5 minutes on national tv. Oh no!! get. the. fuck . over yourselves you whiny pieces of shit. 99.9% of all television shoves progressive ideology—no matter HOW FUCKING ASININE AND LOGICALLY INCONSISTENT—down our collective throats 24 hours

the culture of a sport has nothing to do with anything. They didn’t play football at Duke and Kobe wasn’t playing football in Eagle. By your logic, the only country on Earth with Rape would be America. They must play an awful lot of Pigskin we don’t know about out there in germany and the Middle east.

so you don’t want everyone lumped together as one...and to make your point you then spoke for all women... seems legit

just like Sir Young?

Unless he’s talking about Marxism, Burneko doesn’t know shit. Of Course age at Free Agency is weighed. In one paragraph this cuck makes the leap from people being pragmatic about their assets to accusations of greed shaming (because capitalism?) all while having the balls to critique another b̶l̶o̶g̶g̶e̶r̶ writer. How

MMA before boxing?! wow. MMA needs to be way lower on this list. The taller you are in your weight class in mma, the more difficult it is for you. While reach is certainly an advantage, it is not the advantage it is in striking specific disciplines. A 6 foot 8 250 lb guy would have a very hard time defending a

serious question.. why are goalies so old? buffon, casillas, guzan, this jobber... isn’t this a position where the spry reflexes, agility and lateral mobility of youth would be most important?! I guess I could understand and old centerback or defensive middy... but i can’t understand how the goalie has become soccers

so...they have changed ALL the rules to make the game more offensive... but points per game are the same as they where 15 years ago...when they didnt have the benefit of said rules? Yeah.... you’re not making the argument you think you’re making...