
It’s almost as if they choose people that will be more compelling on camera by saying shocking/sexist/narcissistic things! So weird. I don’t think that’s ever been hammed-up and edited that way in the history of television! Come on, Jezebel. This show is the television equivalent of reading Deadspin. It’s all

This -

Pssssshhhh facts. No one needs THOSE on the internet.

You’ve been with the wrong men then. Dudes that I know openly talk about hygiene, man-scaping, etc. and definitely try and keep it nice. Very difficult to just heap everyone into one category. As with most things in life, it just depends on the individual. And in this example, if the individual isn’t ‘staying fresh’,

Who is Azealia Banks?

But what about ‘horror’?

Or...or...counter-take...Trump has a point? If Kaepernick doesn’t like the luxuries, advantages, salary, opportunities, etc. that he has received as a US citizen, he can leave and see how he likes it.

Ahhhh the ol’ 1-0 ‘wrecking’ in soccer.

Funniest part of the article.

I get that it’s a weird response...but like, if a woman would tell a man that they don’t understand female development, no one would give a shit. And ‘mansplaining’ is one of the worst concoctions of a word. Can we do away with dumb shit for once?