
On another note, I have a celebrity sex tape for sale. Neither party knew they were being taped. Interested?

Hulk Hogan

Your company loves sex tapes

Gawker loves a sex tape story. Agree?

Get me out too

Ha. An unknown % do. I do appreciate your thoughts today, though. Enjoy the evening

That is one way to look at it. Young children have that sense, yes?


This behavior comes from a lack of higher thinking from those with lower incomes, which probably explains the lower income (in most cases

I appreciate your post, but I just can’t get on board. Many a toddler beat him to it

Where do you live?

Garbage Pollack. Call it art, sure. Call him a master, no way

You should’ve been a mechanic, a much more useful job to society than a chubby blogger.

More gawker writers needs to say this

Can I get a link to the Fap pics?

Hulkamania broski. Can I get a link to the Fap pics?

Hogan says “freaking” when getting paid. Sargent says it when he outs a guy. Jlaw says it when a link is provided to her stolen nudes

