
Check again, the unit they are selling you CANNOT add a micro-sd card

Check again, the unit they are selling you CANNOT add a micro-sd card

I once tried to transport a california King mattress on top of my SUV and I tied it down, 2 blocks later I watched fly off my roof in my rearview mirror, and I was returning it to costco. I was like F me, got it placed it on the roof and returned it home. Went to homedepot rented a flatbed truck, and took that

wtf!! wow really frightening

I just went through ID Theft Hell, F Dish Network, F Comcast, F Cox. the hoops and loops I went through to get the crap off my credit report. Getting the police report, faxing, calling etc....grrrrr

You should be a writer ;)

I live in Sacramento California so yeah the numbers should be higher

sadly I am one of those suckers