It’s almost as if feminism is more of a marketing slogan than a movement for equality.
It’s almost as if feminism is more of a marketing slogan than a movement for equality.
Because she’s mixed race?
‘Poor’ people….privileged white female in Starbucks playing on her laptop…does not compute.
Female depression has grown in tangent with feminism.
Stop trying to make female basketball happen.
Can’t wait for Deadspin’s next sanctimonious article on concussions, given that they are literally profiting from them. Also, why is legal for the goalie to attack like that when they’re wearing so much extra paddings?
Islam is Cancer
They could beat the U.S. Women’s Nation Team.
Meanwhile, Mexico continues to build up their southern border wall with Gautemala. LOL
You people have like 7 more months to get used to President Trump.
Equal pay for unequal work. It’s the feminist dream!
You know Tonya Harding is super cool with this.
Feminism wants equal pay for unequal work.
That wasn’t candid at all. Are you that bad at reading body language? The stooge is still talking in political soundbites. He even shakes his head ‘no’ when saying ‘yes’.
Because it’s sexy as fuck. That’s why.