
Wait wait wait..... So you write an article saying how it’s unfair that other companies blacklisted you when you said something they didn’t agree with and then someone says something you don’t agree with and you pull their frikkin comic??

As far as the two comics in the tweet are concerned, it seems like they’re talking about different things. There’s a whole spectrum of behavior between ‘reporting any credible, newsworthy information we get and to hell with the consequences’ and ‘jerking off publishers and acting as marketers.’ I think a lot of people

Wow what a reaction..... Feeling guilty you guys?

Just like at no point you did not try and blacklist people that did not fall in line to your views...oh wait

Indeed. Cue Fahey etc. with a ‘didn’t feel like it’ or ‘ran out of time/space’ ‘gamer cat is cuter XD’ or whatever.

So, help me out here. I’m not sure what your motivations are and what your actions are.

Kotaku being hypocritical. The Shock.

I stopped visiting Kotaku a while ago but came back to see just what kind of response this comic would provoke and I have to say I’m not surprised in the slightest.

Funny, the behavior of this site indicates you can dish “it” out but you can not take “it”.

If anything the tone is exactly the same. They’ve always thought this way about gaming journalists, but the tone was optimistic before, now it’s just become jaded.

No, totally. Dishing it out but being unable to take it isn’t weird or hypocritical in the slightest. Let’s run more stories about Dickwolves and what an asshole Krahulik is to prove how totally fair and not thin skinned you are Jason.

Both of those PA comics can be true at the same time. Showing them both together does not demonstrate author hypocrisy.

“I just don’t see the point in featuring a comic on our website from creators who actively despise it.”
So what you’re saying is... you don’t like how they represent you, and as a result you’re not going to actively support their content?
The irony as this relates to Ubisoft and Bethesda is so thick I’m choking on it.

you know, in the general concept of kotaku being a toxic place for game developers, i have to say you are one of the ones i most closely associate it with your attack on vanillaware. i dunno, that was a time i lost a lot of respect for kotaku because it made a personal crusade to force a political position and tried

No Penny-Arcade this week?

From the Penny Arcade website:

So blacklisting goes both ways then!

It’s almost as if they decided to put PA on some kind of list.

Maybe they’ve been...*gasp*...blacklisted?!

Are you suggesting that Kotaku would blacklist somebody for saying something mean about them? How awful.