
After reading that line I couldn’t take the rest of the article seriously. Does the author even watch the show?

“ the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,”

were “raped, either through force, threat of force, incapacitation

I fully support their efforts. But I have to wonder where the money is going to come from. Let’s be extremely honest with ourselves here, it’s not like people are paying good money to watch women’s hockey. I don’t want that to sound mean, I’m just stating a fact. So where will the money come from?

Because if you are, and you can’t get passed it, you’re an asshole.

The most violent person in the world is a young black man.

+1 that was discovered in 1976 but kept secret

“We can’t go to North Carolina. They’re socially backwards and perverted for their stance on what goes on in the bathroom. Let’s go the Penn State.”

Duke will never make the tourney now without this strong out of conference matchup.

The judge’s beratement was absolutely over the line, but yes, you can absolutely be jailed for not showing up for a court order. It sounds like she tried to stop the case way too late, and once the process is really going, there’s not much the average person can do short of the state fully losing interest.

But the right to own a gun is currently a civil right. And short of SCOTUS reversing recent precedent or an ammendment that’s how it’s going to stay.

You got your wish lady. 5 government officials were killed in Dallas yesterday.

Holy shit lady. Get a grip


Do you think they’ll do something about black people? 13% of the population committing 55% of the murders....jeez. Sounds like we could get rid of black people and cut the murder rate in half over night.

good. this bill is shit and probably unconstitutional. democrats are making asses out of themselves over a bad piece of legislation.

DUE PROCESS. It is not a suggestion; it is an absolute law of the land.

Her crime was running in the street and telling a cop to F off after being asked not to. You don’t get to ignore cops when you don’t feel like obeying the law. That’s not how a functioning society works.

I admit, I’m not particularly well versed in American law, but I’m curious as to why you would say this.

We don’t like to see contributing members of society killed.