Blackmailing someone with a sex tape is the very definition of slut shaming. Diana is just conveniently ignoring that it was the man being shamed here.
Blackmailing someone with a sex tape is the very definition of slut shaming. Diana is just conveniently ignoring that it was the man being shamed here.
I certainly don’t think keeping them from getting a job or integrating into society is going to turn them around either. If you’re advocating for minimum life sentences for rapists that’s a different argument, but otherwise keeping ex-convicts removed from society is exactly what drives the overall recidivism up in…
I’m pretty sure the nature of the initial crime has less to do with recidivism than the fact that they aren’t allowed to re enter society after their release, so resort to criminal behavior as a means of getting by. I’m pretty sure your stat doesn’t mean it has to be the same crime both times either.
So someone gets in a fistfight when they’re 18, and gets a life sentence. Good system.
And why do you think they end up going back? Because people continue to treat like them criminals after they’ve served their time and are free.
When was the 28 game strike this year and how did everyone but Jonah miss it?
Yeah funny how the article about the move actually happening contains 1/10th the words and 10x the info as the third article about an Instagram post.
A Sophie’s Choice if ever there was one, Billy’s worst writing habit might be the use of second person when talking about the disastrously bad predictions he’s made in past articles. No, “we” didn’t seek to assuage your concerns about Neymar leaving, YOU wrote 10,000 words trying to convince yourself he doesn’t love…
The suit isn’t claiming discrimination in hiring practices, it’s claiming discrimination in promotions and WS assignments. If there aren’t many minority umps, and two of the more tenured ones are terrible, it stands to reason not many would get promoted or get WS assignments for reasons other than discrimination.
That’s not quite how the financing piece works. What happens is the Developer, usually a consortium of institutional investors and the concession arms of the construction companies that will build it, who is awarded the project funds it through a mix of public activity bonds/TIFIA loans that are essentially loaned to…
Walking two players just to get the opposing pitcher out of the game is still a really stupid strategy. Worry about getting out of the inning first, then scoring. Worst case scenario is Chapman holds them scoreless, and you start with the bottom of the order the next inning.
Did you read the article? They did ask her that repeatedly, and she repeatedly said she wasn’t doing it for money. Unlike Doe’s witness, who admitted to asking for $1 mil but then changed her mind?
It’s pretty ridiculous that she highlights the tweets about him being colorblind as a “gotcha” moment but doesn’t even the mention that the judge considered throwing this out as a mistrial or the potentially damning (for the plaintiff) texts that led to the motion.
You are 100% right that someone who is wasted or passed out cannot give consent... except that Rose is arguing that she was awake, aware, and sober the entire time. You can think he is lying, but the story he told is one of consent - for anyone other than those who do want the signed contracts.
You repeated yourself ten times, then came up with the Oathkeeper thing in your head halfway through and repeated that almost verbatim ten more times. Why stop now?
It probably depends on whether or not one of their investors (such as Columbus Nova) would either put up a sizable letter of credit or indemnify (which they would only do if they somehow share liability). Zero chance Gaeker qualifies for a bond that size on their own.
They already did defend themselves, and they lost. They still have the right to appeal, but in order to do so they just have to guarantee that if they continue to lose they'll be able to pay the money that they legally owe. I don't understand what's so wrong about that being a requirement.
Substantial gaps in the level of talent doesn't mean one sport is inferior to the other, for the same reason that most baseball fans prefer the Atlantic League to MLB, right?
No, what I mean by depth of talent is that it’s much easier to win when there are maybe five viable women’s teams in the world, compared to probably 40 men’s team. Not that all 40 are contenders, or anything close to that, but there are at least that many fully developed, professional teams.
The women compete very well in the women’s tournament, where the level of play is about 1/50th of the men’s tournament. Even normalizing the level of talent, the depth of quality teams in the WWC is nowhere near the depth of the MWC.