
Gary fucking Oldman. I didn’t know about this. With this knowledge and his defending Mel Gibson in that 2014 Playboy interview, I have ascertained that he is a shit human. Now True Romance is ruined. Fucker.

we’ve all said those things

Now playing

The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven

I loved the story that I heard about their AP government teacher doing a lecture on how to counter the influence of groups like the NRA the day everything happened.

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

So how do we get him that last strike then?

They could definitely give more. Conglomerates always can

Thanks for reporting this, Ms. Cills. Although this is positive news, it’s just a small drop of what is going on in Brazil right now, and it’s important that people knows that this isn’t an isolated incident: after decades of struggle to bring back democracy to Brazil, it’s in jeopardy again due to a swing of right

Admittedly, “trans woman Jesus” is something I’ve never ever considered before. Screw it, I’d watch it!

The woman is in the home stretch of yet another difficult pregnancy, and is under pressure to produce, as a royal baby-maker. I can see why, even though Time’s Up shouldn’t be political, she wants to find some middle ground and avoid making any waves, either way. People perceive the movement as political, and she’s

This is such bullshit. I’m no fan of the royals, but she puts her money where her mouth is in terms of actually helping causes out, rather than just wearing black once and never doing anything else to help. Surely the James Franco mess has shown that just wearing the right colour / pin to an even means nothing.

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

This is so shitty. I hate that people feel entitled to comment on women’s bodies in general, and I especially hate that what restraint some people have disappears entirely when a woman is pregnant. Many pregnant women already feel uncomfortable and self-conscious in a body that bears so little resemblance to the one

Is this 12th school shooting in 2018? What in the fuck. Everyone will want to pray, but that hasn’t proven to do shit, so how about something else?

oooh, snap!

<slaps in the face with a gauntlet>

Someday we’ll find the person that Chris Hemsworth doesn’t have good chemistry with, I assume.

Lol, the worm thing was digusting and hilarious.

Jesus, your job really is to just walk into the office, sit down, and ask yourself: “What can I call racist today? What have the racists done this time?”