
Good pick up. I missed that was a callback. I thought that her description of Josh was quite similar
to Josh's description of Rebecca before he discovered how crazy she is.

No one wants a war but at least they're acknowledging that Russia shouldn't be influencing US elections. It's not worth going to war over but it shouldn't be tolerated either

All that and more. Classic Garry.

Yeah the Dems will totally fuck it up. They also aren't going to change because they feel confident this is a one off since they won the popular vote. The fact this has happened before in recent history and that they've failed to keep out Bush and Trump (I'd take Romeny, Bush Sr and McCain over them for sure) makes me

That's why he's Garry Unmarried

Oh all the time…

Everyone was shitting on Stewart before he left. Seems they were always going to shift easily to Noah.

Samantha Bee has her strengths. Not being condescending is not one of them.

Glad to see someone else feels the same way. I checked out but watched the episodes leading up to the aforementioned Nazi Barbie and thought it was better. (going back to sitting at the desk rather than standing at the start helped with that)

It sometimes feels like Trump exists to make Bush look good in hindsight.

Basic modeling shows that setting a minimum wage higher that equilibrium would create unemployment but that model would be based on so many assumptions that it would be worthless when applied to the US economy unless the wage was set at something stupid like $40 an hour. I think 'most economists' would likely support

Clearly you haven't heard the heartwarming story of theTrump children overcoming the adversity of growing up rich by making their Dad's employees hand money back over to his kids.

No sympathy for the Trump voters unless they help kick him out of office.

"I had a Trident"

Maybe the bloated plutocrat isn't sincerely looking to take care of the
nation's workers? Unless you mean his administration is going to 'take
care of them.' In which case, yeah, that sounds about right.

Haven't seen that to be honest. I just saw about 6-7 leading up to that interview with the social media young conservative and thought it was stronger than when I left it.

I don't think the Membries are scrapped so much as put on hold while they wrap up the other plots. I'd be surprised if they weren't a big part of next year's plot.

He/his show seems to be getting better and they seemed to be doing something where if the gues was a celebrity they'd bring out a more interesting political guest in the middle segment. It hopefully isn't just for the post election season as I thought it was quite good.

And he can slip into all sorts of different characters in bed if you're into roleplay.

Yep. Was also mentioned the boycott involved buying Kellogs products and thowing them in the toilet.