
Worked with the scandals.

Leftist seems, like unionist, to be a way to make it sound more like Communist. Gosh they're smart.

I blocked him the last time he popped up since he doesn't seem capable of engaging in a discussion. I take pride in being open to other views and being challenged in my own beliefs and despite what he says about this place being a circle jerk he's not willing to do the same.

They have not won me over on CBB so I've never tried listening.

Well it'll be great because you can cut taxes and stop paying old people's pensions and healthcare. Until we get old…but that won't happen

We got this new guy 'NoPence'. He's the smartest man alive! And he's gonna fix all the problems.


I think the areas Clinton lost the election (Rust Belt) would have been more enthusiastic about Bernie. You're right that there should be legitimate ways for 3rd parties to run as something other than a spoiler to their closest opponent. As you say there's no incentive to change that though.

Congratulations. You've managed to convince someone of something on the internet. There is no formal prize other than the knowledge that it's not always pointless trying to engage with people online.

In the 80s? It might not be 'that unusual' but it's still not the 'norm'. I think the idea was to be as normal as possible and raise as few questions as possible which does involve having kids.

Dr. FasierBoss?

Sanders didn't appeal as much to Democrats but he had wider appeal outside of the party. Being the party's candidate is an advantage and the endorsements that come with to coupled with Sanders not being a party member didn't help but would have meant nothing in the general election.

The electoral College gives more power to smaller states relative to the bigger states. It also means that winning 1 state by a million votes can be worth the same as winning a state by 2 votes.

I get the idea. Doesn't change the fact both options had a 33% chance of being right when you made the choice. Taking out the 3rd option doesn't mean option 2 is more likely to be right that option 1 now. One will be right and the other will be wrong, 50-50. You're essentially saying that once I choose 1, 2 is

You won't fool me with your math trickery!


Slavery! Fuck Yeah!

Hey, when the Aliens attack at least we know Herman Cain is ready to lead the world

Feels right that he doesn't have the creativity to come up with lyrics other that 'Trent's gettin' ready'

The whole "You don't know my wife!" defence now seems to make a lot more sense.