
Well I mean, even without all the mommy issues, and the fact that you had to kill to protect the person you loved and then cover it up with your pals, you're bound to get a little riled up when you find out said person is dead - and you've been lied to the whole time. I know nobody liked Rebecca, but for some strange

maybe that's why I enjoyed it all so much, yeah.. having binged the whole of it so far I can't really imagine what it was like to have entire weeks, then months pass after those cliffhangers before knowing what would happen. I guess I will find out soon enough…

they might have briefly interacted, too, although not in a very close capacity. I mean, I don't really remember every person I interacted with when I was ten. He probably saw her, but didn't know her name so it didn't stick.

upvoted for Christopher Hitchens - Mother Theresa reference. Same thing I thought while watching that scene.

that's where I saw her before, thank you!
Now I'm having wonderful images of Schmidt deciding between Elizabeth and Cece and changing his mind again on repeat, in the middle of the Wolves' attack. I think somehow that kind of show would work.

Due to the overwhelming majority of replies being along the line of "it sucks", I have now made my decision, and I will keep on ignoring it. Thanks, all!

Question for the board, unrelated to this episode: up until now, I had no idea that Fear the Walking Dead existed. I don't know how, but it completely escaped me. Reading some of the comments here, it would seem that this spin-off is not so good. Should I even get started on it, or keep on ignoring its existence?

The zombie apocalypse seems as good a time as any to admire some pictures, really.

This as the finale?! I'd rather watch something similar to last week's F, at least it would be deeply entertaining. This was a good enough episode, staying true to the characters and with really really great Brittany moments. But still… a bit dull? Maybe I've gotten so used to wacky Glee that this doesn't entertain me

I have decided to tune into the discussion now, after reading these reviews for years, because I'm enjoying these new episodes so much that I have finally found a justification for my loyalty to Glee besides "unhealthy addiction".
The moment Saw Sue came into screen I considered just closing my computer and go do