Seriously, good for her. It is super super hard to get out of a cult and to not only do that but then talk about it publicly is a giant fuck you. Nicely done Leah.
Seriously, good for her. It is super super hard to get out of a cult and to not only do that but then talk about it publicly is a giant fuck you. Nicely done Leah.
Given how Academy membership works, I don’t see a way for membership to not always lag about 40 years behind social norms.
Spotted him! 17 seconds.
Yeah, mom here, and let me tell you after I had my son EVERYONE told me that I could just “let myself go.”
r kelly trapped in a closet
Well, considering they seem pretty clear about not wanting to hire POC...
Our job is to educate people on the technical features and functions of the garments and empower the guests to make their own choice.
I laughed my ass off about Duke and Ocean after my first day of orientation. My husband did not believe me when I described that shit.
Duke Ocean sounds like Ron Swanson’s smooth jazz alter ego.
Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Ocean.
There’s more! Apparently, the founder of the company is also vocally pro-child labor.
Sounds like someone’s thetans need auditing!
It’s kind of funny how hard it is to get interviewed and get a position there. I had THREE interviews I had to go through, which was so nuts. ETA: Also, they are a fucking snark-free zone. Having a sense of irony is, um, less than appreciated.
Ocean makes six figures, she doesn’t want to have kids, she has a master’s degree, her core workout is yoga and she also likes running and spinning.
Duke and Ocean. Wow.
I applied for a part-time job there to keep me afloat during grad school. I don’t know if the application is the same everywhere, but the Canadian one is BANANAS. Like, I don’t fucking know “what song best describes my life”, lululemon, and if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.
So Lululemon = Scientology - aliens + yoga pants? That’s what I’m taking from this.
“Goal-coaching is actually very helpful, unless you’re saying, “Well, I have student loans,” or “I’m going to be homeless because I don’t make enough money to live” and they’re like, “Why do you let that limit you?’”
I will never forget Lulemon’s founder admitting that he came up with the name because of the difficulty some Asian immigrants have making ‘l’ sounds. With that sort of casual racism baked into the foundation of the company, nothing here is surprising. Of course they don’t give a fuck about people.
If the movie got made, Cage would’ve looked like he does in that photo, not this one, which you’ve seen all over the Internet.