Lord Acton's Library

They could have thrown it back in his face by actually cheering.

So were they booing science because they love fulfilling expectations or are they all literally Gob Bluth?

Well of course, the assertion implies that all those with newfound wealth, the 99%, are inherently destined for immiseration, but it’s still a good point about where the money flows and why it flows there.

They understand that money makes money. Unfortunately for the rest of us, not money makes not money. I'm reminded of Piketty's assertion that if you distributed all the wealth in the world equally but kept all other things the same, all of it would end up the same hands within a generation or two. That's where power

To paraphrase Krugman on Gingrich: "She's the White person's idea of what a Black person sounds like."

I honestly don't think she's there to reach out to Black people, she's there to reach out to white people to let them know that they're reaching out to Black people.

Oh great so he's a Bircher.

To say there's a solution would imply that there's a problem, and as we know, when guns are involved, there can be no problem.

“There she goes keeping that racism alive by mentioning that it's still alive." - Someone, somewhere.

What happens when the strongest point for the base is the weakest point for the general? - Trump's Paradox.

I think Kareem is still a little underrated. People talk about Magic making 9 Finals and Lebron making 7 so far but they forget that Kareem made it 10 times. That’s the most of any non Russell's Celtics.

I think Russell is the greatest winner, obviously. I don’t think that necessarily makes him a better player. Auerbach had as much to do with it, great administrator and coach, than anything else. Russell had a great system to play in, Wilt WAS the system. Stop Wilt, stop the system. He made have let his vanity for

I feel like when people list all-time great centers Wilt is just put in some other category. All-time doesn’t really work for a guy that averaged 50 and 25 in a season and 40 and 25 over his first 6!!! seasons. What do you do with a guy like that? I don’t know, and I think most everyone has trouble placing him because

And dinosaurs evidently hung out in tress like goats or some shit. It all makes sense now.

So does ESPN hire exclusively trolls or are all sports reporters full of shit?

I'm mostly impressed by their flexibility. Those standing bicycle kick serves are impressive. Now I need to go stretch.

per wiki "democracy spoiled by demagoguery" - seems about right

If that's what we currently have I'll take it bc according Polybius' order of anacyclosis that means democracy is next, and I always wanted to see what that would look like. Unless what we currently have is a democracy in which case you don't want to know what comes next.

What about scissors? Or gun-shaped scissors? Or scissor-shooting guns? Oh NO! What about gun-shooting scissors?

And yet he's carrying water for a candidate who has, quite literally, advocated for torturing innocent people. Not that McCain would know anything about that.