Lord Acton's Library

Yeah, I may have confused him with Andrew Bynum with the Kareem mentorship. I agree you can’t, or shouldn’t, put the ball in his hands, at least not for very long. I’m reminded of a funny quip Phil Jackson had about Vladimir Radmanovic, something akin to keeping him away from small children because of his brick hands,

As long as it’s not Orlando, he’s everyone else’s problem now. Can we talk quickly about how horrible he is offensively. Think about it. He had Ewing in Orlando, presumably Jabbar in LA, and then Hakeem AND McHale in Houston. Even after all that he has one move. Face the basket, fake baseline, run through the lane and

Did anyone else see that unbelievably awkward conversation Kenny and Charles were having with Dwight after the game. I mean isn't Kenny on the short list of potential coaches for Houston? God that was awkward, like they genuinely looked they were in session, and Chuck would make the worst therapist ever.

Not only did this Trump wannabe buy his way into the Tennis Hall of Fame ( his only real contribution is not fucking up a French Open final with Nastase, ...and also fucking a few Davis Cup finals) he’s also responsible for relegating Hamburg, a very nice clay court tournament, to post-French Open obscurity, while


Remember when Reggie Miller opined that Thomas could average a triple double with points, rebounds, and blocks? Haha never change Reggie, never change.

I love how Coco just laughs it off. - Goose Gossage does not approve of this message.

But the fact that she's trapped implies that this is only in two dimensions. Damnit you sucked me back into the graphics conversation.

Well I for one apologize to Anna for side-tracking this conversation. Sorry Anna, love the article.

Asking for a friend? jk. I think P. T. Barnum said something about this once.

Oh I agree, the graphic is clearly a case of form over function, a triskelion gone wrong if you will.

There's always gear truthers.