
After living for a while in New Zealand, I can safely say that this is pretty much the first time that New Zealand is not significantly behind when it comes to the internet. No offense to the genuinely wonderful people I met down there, but they just don't know how to be responsible Facebook denizens.

It will change. But not until the cable companies can properly monazite the opportunity...going at their present pace, I'd guess it will happen in 4 years (and $4800 later).

Agreed. Also, I've been using the google talk app for video chat (it's only available for nexus s, I think, though I have a modified version on my cyanogenmod rom). Once they get that going for the rest of the android lineup, watch out!

I spent way too long looking for scripts that did this. Sweet sassy molassy I'm happy about this development. And it is done intelligently & unobtrusively. Bravo, Mr. Alex K.

I believe Google Labs as a department is gone (which did many little Google projects). Gmail labs, Calendar labs, etc are part of their mother department and have stuck around.

After a little digging, you can see what is the problem by using the following Terminal command:

Beautiful. I don't understand why the OSs haven't had this built in. This should be useful for helping removing usb drives. It can be very frustrating when you just need to unplug that drive and go but your computer won't let go.

Great minds think alike, eh?

Youtube embed question:

Wikipedia covers it pretty well. Check out the first couple paragraphs for an executive summary. It goes into the arguments for and against. From a consumer perspective: net neutrality = good.

I think my grandpa does this.

Nice tip. Some other alternatives would be branches/pine leaves from nearby trees or gravel, but you need to be careful about spinning your tires and shooting gravel into people helping/nearby windows.

That's what I was looking for when I started out, but I couldn't find the search term for it. J-P has a solution in another comment, but the Julian date thing limits it's usefulness. This is the best I could come up with. I have two searches setup: google.month and google.year and should work for most for most

Thanks for the link though I didn't seem to get it to work using that method.

Is there a Google Search hack that allows you to specify the timeframe? For certain searches (specifically software troubleshooting) results from forums over a year old are usually useless. I can click through the options on the left, but I'd rather be able to do it with a search box hack...

Google Search update is welcome and I'm hopeful to see how well it performs.

I haven't gotten the new gmail yet. Do you know of a way to get it now? I apparently have no patience.

VOTE: Windows 7

After living in New Zealand and Canada, I miss having the $1 and $2 coins. Also, NZ did away with pennies and nickels. Everything was in increments of 10 cents and it was awesome.