

Though everything makes sense to me from the article, the double space is so ingrained in me, I think I'll learn DVORAK so I have to really *think* about everything I type so I can break the habit.

I like it when companies do cool stuff like this. My favorite was step 18.

@jalb: I'd say it shows both. I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing the Android release schedule. I think it's pretty amazing how far Android has come so quickly. However it does highlight the inability of manufacturers to keep up too.

Make it into a poker table and I'm all in.

@gthing: Sweet link. Shows how the Android's frenzied version release schedule is just too much to handle for the phone manufacturers. There has to be a solution for the Android version fragmentation...

This is the first time I've ever had to use Magnifier in Win 7.

Nice list of things for the budget conscious.

@WilliamTheFifth: So steam is a "gas?" But it's just hot, vaporized ice!

@rebeldevil: I'm with you on that one. Went to college in PA, moved to WI where they are way more liberal in terms of liquor control. However, I recently moved to Ontario and it's even worse. At least in PA, the liquor control board keeps prices in check. Prices here are about %150 than just across the border.

@ChaosCon: I have a Brita water filter in my fridge filled at all times. My water doesn't taste bad, but I do have a lot of minerals due to old pipes in my old house. Not sure it will work for bad tasting water, but probably couldn't hurt. It's cheap, easy, and fits in my fridge door.

@MyNameisn'tEarl: or ctrl+L, that's Chrome's shortcut to the omnibar.

@justinjc: Beautiful. Thanks so much!

@Jacobm001: Though not exactly what NotEarl was saying, external files can be run from Chrome as well.

I love the countdown alarm, but there's no audible ring as far as I can tell. I normally use but this method would be so much better.

@jim valentin: Yeah, when I see "cya", "laters", or anything with a "z" in place of an "s", I die a little inside. Does that make me a snob?

@Whitson Gordon: Mac thing maybe? I miss my MBP [sadly stolen] because OSX seems better with standardized hotkeys.

email type = sign off

@maltesh: For the chrome web store, have you been able to find a way to search on only packaged apps? It's been bothering me that there's no way to specifically filter out the hosted apps.