
Am I missing something, or are you reporting on this instead of it’s embarrassing showing at ces? You know the part about the capabilities of the actual car instead of corporate bullshit? Fuck hulk hogan, this site has gone to complete shit with it’s 7 year old reposts and insignificant “journalism”.

What is with all the rehash bullshit!? Is this place fucking serious?

freddy “I wish people actually cared that I drive an old as fuck aston” Hernandez. Seriously stop trying so hard to be doug.

Lamborghini Utuerus, for all those little soccer players you want to pop out.

this fuck lifts...but not enough to not be a fat piece of shit

Is this the same guy who taught me to take any old bmw to a dyno before purchasing so I dont end up with a turd, like him?

Yeah and that’s not better than nothing because?

This is just reviewers whining about losing their job because it is actually completely unnecessary. Early reviews can only hurt a game, rarely does it help. And unless the game is complete shit, 2 out of 10, don’t trust someone elses opinion anyway. Your least favorite game is someone elses favorite, don’t let a

Rogue Agency

I vote to Gray this “journalist”.

Everyone trying to be the next Doug. Goodluck jalopnik, with this trash and the multiple months/years old reposts, you’re going places./s

He slows down on purpose a few times so he hits the flag at a certain time on the timer to avoid the fireworks celebration, which takes longer than momentarily slowing down. The time can still come down with another known trick however.

The wrx has looked terrible for years, stop whining subaru fanboys

I don’t see it

Why not go all the way and just call it the Lamborghini Uterus?

You’re an idiot, most of these “shortcuts” are a lot more difficult than playing the game “normally”. Nothing like gameshark. Try it before speaking.

So you aren’t very good and ignorance is bliss? Don’t play competitive, it’s that simple.

LOL so many people who actually comment here are car guys/gals...I doubt it

Us disabled folks completely disagree with you.