
Yes I noticed that too! I wasn't sure if it was my AppleTV being weird but I definitely noticed something off about them walking through the woods.

It was so the showrunners didn't have to come up with a way to end the story, and all the assholes on the internet could be like, "It was about the *characters*, man! Stop being so shallow."

I would agree that the love for Elijah when compared to the hate for Jessa (or any of the other female characters) is sexist. Elijah is also self-absorbed and awful.

I get that you would like her for being unapologetically an asshole. It makes her less of a hypocrite I guess.

Oh Elijah. Were they even talking to him? Honestly, he's every bit as self-absorbed and horrible as the girls.

Did she call them out by name? Because if not, the only people she told about Adam and Jessa as specific people are those who already knew. The rest of the world just knows that a random stranger claimed to be betrayed by two other random strangers.

That's what I thought too.

Yeah! Mel and Sue are cringeworthy sometimes, but it's all so sweet and cute and earnest. I love how they run around making jokes, eating people's food, helping knead, and occasionally breaking stuff. It lends to the atmosphere of fun and joy that is sadly absent from most competition reality shows.

For what it's worth, I agree with your analysis and am quite surprised at the condescending and aggressive disagreement with you here. Usually these comment sections are better.

I don't really care for the soundtrack (at least not the pop-song parts of the soundtrack) either. I'm not particularly well-versed in music, yet these are all songs I have heard a million times. They're good songs, true, but give me some 80's songs that are awesome and aren't playing every hour on your local 80's or

The Raven King, although human, was raised by and ruled over fairies, and fairies are super dangerous. See, for example, The Gentleman. Granted, this fairy is much more powerful than most. But still, all of the stories Lady Pole are telling are stories of fairies stealing away human beings, and they are not happy

I agree. When have we ever seen Norrell try to compromise with someone? He looked so vulnerable, like a little puppy in that scene with Strange. I thought it was terrifically done, about as well as one could do it with the time constraint they are working with.

I think they didn't work (for Ethan) because Ethan didn't believe in them.

I agree, it's very difficult to have a sense of time passing in the show, and I've read the books several times.

One thing I noticed was the weird buttons holding a crotch-flap in place on Drawlight's pants? Was that ever a thing, or is Drawlight wearing underwear as outerwear (which would be totally like him)? I didn't notice flaps on any of the other men's clothes.