Hugo Stiglitz

Wonder if they’ll memorialize his dumb ass with a bronze statue

Having Fox News to push their propaganda helps a great deal as well.

After a few years of working to get pay raises and promotions, my wife and I discovered how easy it must be to fall into this mindset. We’re firmly upper middle class now we find ourselves bitching about income taxes. Also this year is the first year we’ve owned a home and we just found out that the county wants to

At least we’ll get to finally see how the three seashells work.

Glad someone at least mentioned something about military spending. We spend way too much of our tax revenue on that garbage.


Organize! Join the DSA and try to bring people to your side and find candidates they will support. Believe it or not, I know personally more people than I can count on two hands who voted for Bernie during the primary and then voted for Trump in the general.

This is the correct opinion.

Ahh dismissing and ignoring “flyover states.” That’s always worked out so well, hasn’t it?

Look, I hate Houston as much as the next guy but you’re laughably wrong about the culture. They have rodeos, a couple of Chinatowns, a popular LGBT+ scene, etc. Houston is representative of many cultures.

As a Texas resident I normally defend my state from insults and broad accusations, but you’re not wrong here.

People like PeteRR are the reason why the housing market is so fucked here right now. People are flooding in from CA and are able to price everyone out of home buying. It’s a seller’s wet dream out here.

Haha yeah so fuck all those people right? Fuck you, come to Texas and try to fix things instead of sitting behind a keyboard sniffing your own shit. We’ve got several DSA chapters here that are organizing and fundrasing, so stop writing off the South to make yourself feel superior because you’re going to need us

Spoken like a true West Coast Liberal. 


Also John Cornyn, Kenny Marchant, Jonathan Stickland, Pete Sessions, Louie Gohmert, the list goes on (not to mention Greg Fucking Abbott.)


Oliver also was in the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of sergeant while serving two tours in Iraq.

What’s the appropriate thing to do when you’re reading a novel or something that pervasively uses the n-word aloud in class? I can’t remember what grade it was but when we were reading Twain’s Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer novels our teacher would make us replace the n-word with “slave” during readings (because these are

Call before you dig!