Hugo Stiglitz

Can you go drink a jar of urine?

Who’s threatening anyone you illiterate inbred fuckboi

Why are you talking to yourself in the comment section.

I live in TX and I am SURROUNDED by Blue Lives Matter shitheels. All of them white. Hell, there’s even a person in my office who hangs a Blue Lives Matter flag over their desk and it’s just A-OK with my Fortune 500 employer.

Gun being shot: Bang
Gun being shot in your direction: Pew / Snap / hiss of bullet travelling faster than the speed of sound near your body, then bang

If you’re a bootlicking cop apologist I guess one might care.

First things first I am a bootlicking piece of shit more concerned with the photo of a dead black teenager than the dead black teenager. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

Hey genius — I am speaking of the commenters, not the writers. And from the looks of it I’m referring directly to you because who else uses “Bernie stans” derogatorily?

Yeah I was grasping for straws and couldn’t quite remember the last one haha. You’ll notice that I said “belief systems” and not religions but I think I had to write about both ancient Greek and Roman theology. So yeah I guess I can amend that to say Greek and Roman polytheism.

I am going to run for office and “it’s none of my fucking business” will be my campaign slogan.

The issue was the blatant hypocrisy that on the day of the Georgia special election Bernie made a point not to throw his support behind Jon Ossoff — because he wasn’t deemed progressive enough.

I lol’d

Good on them. It’s the reaction to shit like this that makes me incredibly thankful to have received a great public education, even in Texas! In my 10th grade US history class we had to do a huge report on I think seven different belief systems in the world. I think they were:

I was wondering if someone was going to link to that article!

Go to your room. I am very disappointed in you.

Tbh this sounds like a pretty tame Waffle House experience.

These people’s minds would explode if they read any of Richard Carrier’s books:

It says: “So picture Adam being able to crawl up on the back of a dinosaur! He and Eve could have their own personal water slide! Wouldn’t that be so wild!”

...while Hillary, while she lost, bested Trump in the popular vote by 3 million...