Hugo Stiglitz

But Donald Trump is still alive

+1 grammar nazi

I know you’re catching shit for this, but good on you for being a human and expressing empathy. It is too rare a quality in the average internet comment.

You’ve decided to be, as is the fashionable term, “Child-Free.”

Ha! Thanks.


Hello Hillary how is the woods?

Brb, calling Brendan Fraser.

Gump! Go check out that hole!

From reading Zeke’s essay it seems like he had reconciled with the possibility of this occurring. Like you said, the intense contract he signed probably left it entirely up to CBS, and he knew that going in.

White people gonna white.

Dennis Quaid is legit funny and I’d like to see him in more goofy stuff. He was hilarious on Workaholics and Inside Amy Schumer, and he pulled it off on Drunk History.

I really enjoyed the perspective Dr. Parker offered in last year’s documentary Trapped. It’s a film I wish more people could see.

Anyone outraged at United should go read Alex Pareene’s post for some much needed perspective:

Too soon, man. Too soon.