Hugo Stiglitz

This is The Good Shit™

For fucking fuck fuck fuck. FUCK!

We struck a military airbase where the planes took off that delivered the gas bombs. It’s sad you don’t get the facts before you comment.

What a simpleton.



Pictured: Me and other Rangers fans

Wait, did Hamilton Nolan write this?

Haven’t ran into this one yet but there’s an island off in the Necluda Sea that starts a mission called Stranded on Eventide as soon as you step foot on it. All your items are removed and you have to complete the mission - putting three of the Sheikah orb things into the round hole things - by scavenging what you

But how do I get my wife to do chores? Like, she “cleaned up” the dog’s pee the other day by just wiping it with a paper towel and walking away. She also leaves cabinets and drawers open.

You don’t trick your kids into cleaning - you trick them into believing in Santa Claus instead!

I know what you mean. A couple of years ago I slammed the lip of a stainless steel stove top onto my left middle finger. I went to one of those pop-up Baylor ER places since it was close, and I ended up with about $2400 total I had to pay. First of all I ended up with two bills - one for the doctor, who apparently

Huh. My wife actually made this mistake on her own account and started a new game with like 20 hours of playtime. She went through the whole opening sequence in the Shrine of Resurrection and got to the point where she could walk around. She thought she had screwed her saves as well but when she went to the load

For real. I cannot even begin to imagine the struggle that people with gender dysphoria or body dysmorphic disorder have to overcome.

At first I was disappointed to see him leave Dallas, but then I was glad for him because he might have a chance to win a Super Bowl. Then he did and I was not disappointed.

California’s going to need that sweet federal assistance when The Big One finally comes.

Where do you think they come from in the first place?

It’s a distinct combination of systemic / institutional racism and blood lust.

It’s unfortunate that I had to scroll down so far to find a rational comment connecting criminality to economic circumstances.

Unfortunately I would not expect anything less from the alpha bro commenters here.