Hugo Stiglitz

I hope these folks washed their hands so they don’t get leprosy.

And yet, here we are.

What, you expect me to fork over like $10 in dues per paycheck?!

I’m pretty convinced that he does know this shit, he’s just an evil asshole and doesn’t care.

Trumpanzees have pushed me further left than I thought possible. As in, fuck-the-Dems-left.

This is the best idea. Unfortunately it will be hard to implement without also completely reforming the justice system and use of private prisons. Too much money to be had incarcerating people instead of rehabilitating them.

Yeah I had to stop watching Samantha Bee after that school shit. She had already said some dumb stuff about HRC critics so that incident just sealed the deal for me.

This post is 100x funnier if you read it in Matt McGorry’s voice.

His talent for pushing people’s buttons resonates with me.

Yeah UPS drivers work hard af. I wasn’t surprised to learn they get excellent pay and benefits.

Mao’s little red fruit at the bottom.


Bernie would have won.

Now playing

Reminds me of a good Jason Jones bit from the Daily Show a while back:

Something, something, Jews.

As the previous owner of an 8th gen Si, this is extremely my shit. However, I’d wish that they’d do away with the suede upholstery. The upkeep on that shit was ridiculous in my Si, having to brush and clean it twice a year to keep it from getting stiff and flattening.

You’re not alone. My wife and I stopped listening for the same reasons basically. More and more each episode turned into one half vegan bragging / MMA / cat stuff and one half begging for fucking money like they were poor and couldn’t pay the bills. All the while I kept thinking to myself, you motherfuckers you

Seems like nobody was given the information we have available.

Spank me daddy