Hugo Stiglitz

Ahh, good old Irving, TX. In case you forgot, Irving is the same shitty DFW suburb where Ahmed Mohamed - a.k.a. “Clock Boy” - was arrested for that whole bomb thing.

Yeah I feel like everyone involved sucks. When a business asks you to leave and you refuse, you’re trespassing. A reasonable person would understand that you’re breaking the law and subject to arrest if you don’t leave, but 12 year olds are seldom reasonable.

Sure it is! You physically reach for your taser, and then you restrain the child by electrocuting her. Simple police procedure.

I wish they would made it clear whether or not she was out on the rink without skates. That’s the only way that rule would make sense, since that’s a pretty standard liability issue for a business.

Yeah “pain compliance” is a thing that cops learn. Makes sense if you’re trying to subdue some kind of Incredible Hulk person. Definitely not a 12 year old girl.

I think it was a roller rink. And yeah I agree, it makes sense from a liability standpoint for the business to not allow people on the skating rink without skates. You don’t want some stationary obstacle for another skater moving at a higher speed to knock into.

5 yards? Lol.

Shit that was brutal. Almost looks like he got bonked on the back of the head first before hitting the ground. Seems to already be in the fencing position on the way to the ground.

That’s the kind of HOA overreach that’s getting out of hand. There was one here somewhere in DFW that wouldn’t even let you park your own car or truck in your driveway. Apparently the driveway is only for driving your car or truck into your garage!

There’s a car dude on my street in a non-HOA neighborhood. Dude’s been out in the street every other night for the last couple of months wrenching on an old Bronco. Doesn’t bother me a bit! It’s been interesting to watch his progress.

I think my city states something more than 8' wide and 36' in length can’t be stored on your driveway. Lucky for my neighbor his broke ass boat that never moves is under the threshold.

Yep. On the surface this is a good idea. The problem is that sometimes local dipshits who couldn’t get elected to the city council end up running the HOA to enact their power trip fantasies and shit gets out of hand. Keeping debris out of your yard and other aesthetic upkeep is a no-brainer, but there have been

Almost every nice and new-ish neighborhood in the DFW area has an HOA. I lucked out because the house my wife and I purchased is in an older area of our suburb and doesn’t have one. It’s nice to not have to pay dues, but sometimes I wish I had one because there are an insufferable amount of cars parked on my street

ETA: Never mind, I found the answer further down thread.

Now playing


ETA: Holy shit, BMW turn signals do in fact work.

  • Reagan accepted responsibility for Iran / Contra.

The M1 is probably it for me. There’s someone who owns a slick looking red one around here where I work in DFW.

I do enjoy the rally style shift stick in the dash.