
Sounds like a job for Motopeds!!

BRZ swap!!!

I rolled one a few years back. Say what you will but that car saved our lives. The 350Z will never get any disrespect from me.

Terrible.. But why, if he was the seller and they didn’t take the car, why kill him?

I’ve heard recently that your not required to stop moving(traffic) if you have an aircooled engine? You can simply ride the shoulder if available with no wrong doing...

The early VRs had 12 valves, but man this guy was adamant about the 16. Unfortunately the vwvortex jab fits. smh

Well that doesn’t look good for the enviroment... Who we pointing the finger at for this?

Very interesting.. Know the details?

This probably just the doing of McLaren and Ferrari in the ultimate attempt to not have their cars compete.

I dailyed a 92 Jetta for a bit in recent years. It's not that old but I paid $500 for it. It was a great car, point A to B was always an adventure.

Ha, here in NJ, ppl honk no lie as soon as the light turns green. It's ridiculous and extremely frustrating for sane ppl.

The Prowler!!!!

Man, I feel like I've been seeing more and more lately in NJ.

This was weird to see, just finished reading his book last night.

I got the 911. Its in my head!!!

Older Porsche perhaps, or something modern from TVR? I do like the Japenese idea, one of the old 90's classics (Supra, RX-7, Skyline).

Hey man are you in NJ? Why no truck and trailer to get your cars home not worth the use you'd get out of it?

Good choice! There has always been something strangely appealing about their music.

Oh wow I didn't know that. That's a shame they were really on the ball for a bit. Their hardware prices are a bit nuts...

APR would prob fill those shoes pretty well. Some mod friendly dealerships have a great relationship with them.